Saturday, April 2, 2011

Rain, rain go away

Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day. Around 65 degrees someone told me! Jon knocked off work early because it is the one day he doesn't work during the evening during the week and we knew the weather would be changing to rain and wind today. We walked downtown through the neighbors, traded movies at the library (in preparation for today) and stopped at the Co-op for some hamburger. We barbequed in the back yard, this house actually has a really nice backyard. It was fun to cook our burgers with wood (not quite sure the flavor we got-but still good!) and listen to the robins chiding each other in the darkening sky. We came in to eat and then I took the older kids back out to throw fuel into the fire. They love doing that. I thought of getting the camera because they were adorable with their faces lit up with firelight. My camera isn't the greatest though and I am not sure it would do justice.

Jon is at work this morning and then because he took of part of yesterday he will work some of this afternoon. So I think I may take the kids to the rec. center and then to the science center. This is our third day off of school in a row at this point it is about keeping them busy. Jon put them to work doing chores this morning. Sevrin cleaned bathrooms, Josiah is doing dishes, Ethan did laundry and is helping Iris straighten books and clean up the family room. Did I add Iris is practically gnashing her teeth over organizing the books?

Just an update on my bio mom. They found she does have some minute cancers on her thyroid, but as they put it nothing she couldn't live until 90 with. So good news for her.

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