Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Clearly Fashion...

So I finally figured out where my blog from almost three years ago went and here it is. Realized I had to update my profile, found the questions annoying and almost wanted to quit blogging immediately.
I still feel a little temperamental about the whole thing...partially because my interests change and partially because they never do, partially because I don't have an "industry" such as fashion or engineering and what I do isn't qualified by the blogger scroll down standard.
Does blogger realize that a human is a bit more complicated then favorite movies or favorite books? I know...I am thinking about this way too hard. But then again that is what I do best. That is why I really need to blog. I don't want to blog because I have anything important to say or because I think I can say anything exceptionally better then the million plus other people doing the same thing. Writing about myself strikes me as a bit indulgent...but then I think it is a better forum for my own thoughts then Facebook where I subject the poor masses to whatever is lighting a fire in me at the moment. Sometimes I just have to get my thoughts out...they are a force to be reckoned with...but at least in this format a person has to choose to read my thoughts.

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