Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Toilets, Jesus and chores

One of the most disgusting jobs you will have as a parent involves clogged toilets. For the love of God I can't figure out how the toilets get clogged so easily around here. Oh and other observation? Small children rarely flush...you don't want to find that several hours later.

Iris said tonight after we read the Creation Story and Noah's Ark, "If Jesus turned around and wouldn't help a poor person, then Spiderman could."

Josiah is in finishing his half of the dishes that he and Sevrin split...approximately 2.5 hours ago. So for those that always feel they need to tell me that my children are old enough to clean the kitchen. Note the time is 9:06 pm...the boys started "cleaning" the kitchen around 6:30 pm.

Jon should be home soon...good night world!

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