Sunday, January 16, 2011

We gave you a whisper that we might not be accused

Call to Worship
One: You asked for our hands that you could use them for your purposes.
All: We gave them for a moment and then withdrew for the work was hard.
One: You asked for our mouths to speak against injustice.
All: We gave you a whisper that we might not be accused.
One: You asked for our eyes to see the pain of poverty.
All: We closed them for we did not want to know.
One: You asked for our lives that you might work through us.
All: We gave you a fractional part that we might not get involved.
One: Creator God: forgive us, renew us, empower us.
All: Make us healing instruments of your justice and peace.

Today we visited the United Church of Moscow and I was so encouraged to hear the sermon and these words in particular. So often I "whisper" spirit unwilling to hear or know what others think of me because of my stands and opinions on poverty, violence and mainstream Christianity. My voice is shaky at spirit is NOT willing...but would you be surprised to know that I wake up at night with the thoughts of debate on the poor and the use of violence and intimidation that we see in our country? To know that my spirit feels these pains acutely...if nothing else this is proof to me of God's sorrow. If we indeed believe that God is in us...this is Him. Dammit. I want a good nights sleep. I don't want to care! I attempted to sooth this pain with food this seems to work for some. It didn't help. I have stayed away from the news...stayed away from anything remotely confrontational. Then I hear the pastor speak about this very thing. My "whispers" timidity.

She also spoke about Isaiah...Israel's exile...and I couldn't help thinking about mainstream Christianity. I refer to it that way because it is what most American's would consider the cultural representation of the religion in our country. The loudest. The rudest. The most arrogant. Then people turn around and wonder why young people are leaving the faith in droves? Christians in America are in exile...and the few from their faith that are trying to call them out of the wilderness are called socialists, are mocked and ridiculed, their faith is questioned and sometimes their very sanity. Glen Beck went so far as to do an entire show on churches that push social justice and urged viewers to leave those churches. I say what the hell? A recent on-line conversation pointed out this same disconnect between cultural Christianity and the real thing. Christian politicians can't live by the very book they claim is the literal, inerrant word of God. They believe this so strongly that when I say I don' t believe the world was created in six days I am not a true Christian. Bearing no fruits they mock and discredit anyone that questions the status quo...they claim to uphold the institute of marriage...claim to know what is best for anyone...yet can't even follow the simplest and yet hardest of the commands they claim to believe. Apparently winning elections and gaining power is the point. Last time I checked this has nothing to do with Christ. This has nothing to do with love. This has nothing to do with anything. Policies put forth that would leave the poor uncared for, the elderly and sick in destitution, the mentally ill homeless, war and weapons manufacturing on a massive level, that rape the very land we say speaks of God's wonder, do not say Christ to me. Yet apparently these are the things that are worth spitting on Christ for.


I wish nothing to do with these things.

Christians that actually believe in the teachings of Christ...that believe that Jesus was actually showing us the way to live...the way to react to others...the way to treat others...not only should speak up. We must speak up.

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