Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rhubarb wine is good...

I learned this last night. Randy brought over amazing homemade rhubarb wine that his late stepfather made. Delicious! In general I don't really enjoy alcohol...but probably could have finished the whole bottle myself...but didn't. We had fun having Randy over...our conversations usually run the gambit and I enjoy evenings spent with good food, friends and now, rhubarb wine.

This morning I woke, checked the calendar and was happy to see the kids activity was going on at Moscow Food Co-op. I looked at the clock, realized that if I wanted to walk there (I did) and didn't want to have greasy hair in public I was going to have to move quickly. Jon was still here so that helped. He wrangled Isla into her fleece, made sure Iris had her shoes and coat on while I ran around like a crazy woman getting dressed, hhmmming and hawwwing about whether I had time to walk. I left at 8:50 and got there at 9:15...not too shabby. Three-quarters of the way there I looked at Iris' face in the stroller and realized she had egg yolk all over the lower half of her face...took note to immediately wash it when we arrived and powered on with Isla in the backpack, Iris in the stroller and Lemon on leash. It was so wonderful to walk. Those that have known us any length of time know that we love to walk. Walking is a form of mediation to me and this warmer, albeit gray weather is welcome relief from the frozen tundra that has encased the Palouse the last two months.

While walking I was again reminded of why I love Moscow so much. I see people walking everywhere! I see people riding their bikes, I wave to the bus driver going by...then we get to the Moscow Food Co-op and see hoards of young children taking over 2/3 of the seating area coloring and making parfaits. For free. I am handed a free drink coupon and a raffle ticket. Which I win! I never win...so I was happy to receive my $10 gift card. My Americano with coconut syrup (recommended by the barista) was delicious. Meanwhile 42 second graders, I think is what the cashier told me, were roaming the aisles for a school field trip learning how to count change and purchase items from the bins among other things.

Before heading home I stopped to see Jon at Hodge and Associates and handed him the gift card so he could get some coffee. I saw the students, who I believe were from Lena Whitmore Elementary School, walking back about a half mile through town...back to school. I cut through beautiful East City Park and ran into Netia and her little puppy Molly, a little ball of fluff, yipping and yapping. What a happy little pup! It is hard not to smile when you see the energy and excitement Molly was exhibiting to be out. A good reminder to us as humans to enjoy the little things. I think Lemon may have thought Molly was a toy for her to play with. I officially entered Netia's number into my phone to make a future puppy and kid date at Mountain View Park.

All of this taking place before 10:30 am...what a wonderful town to live in.

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