Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Student Loans

What an ominous title. Jon and I are really conservative with purchases...always pay our credit cards off, paid both of our "new" used vehicles off the same year we got them, etc. But taking a look at these student loans equals feeling overwhelmed. When we decided to go back to school for landscape architecture the world was a different place economically. I planned on letting Jon bring home the bacon and myself getting a part time job to pay our student loans off quickly.

Instead, we have gone from deferment to a payment plan that is essentially $0 a month but with the knowledge that our interest is building and building and building. Our business has been supporting us...and maybe would or will support student loan payments...but I have no idea how to budget as a self employed family when I don't know what we will make this year. This is a post that is really about venting, about feeling frustrated that our plans to be responsible have hit yet another roadblock. Unlike many people think, student loans can be an impediment to buying a home...I hear plenty of people poo poo paying them off or stressing over it...because they haven't had to look at the bill or take into consideration they may spend the rest of their life renting.

Bah...enough complaining.

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