Monday, January 17, 2011


My thoughts don't exactly follow a linear path. I feel like writing but don't know what to say...maybe I have nothing to say. Wouldn't that be shocking? haha. The boys are playing Wii with a friend of Josiah's from Russel Elementary. I love that we have a home to invite other children into play. When I was a little girl in California I could never have friends over. Our cockroach invested studio apartment wasn't exactly the kind of place you host a play date. Wow. Little tidbits of darkness inserted into an otherwise lighthearted blog. Then again, these are the things I remember and think of throughout my daily life...this life that I find my self surprisingly blessed to be in.

Jon and Iris are shopping for cream cheese and lemon extract for lemon frosting for the gingerbread cupcakes I made from my Moosewood Dessert Cookbook.

Isla is sleeping.

I spoke on the phone with one of my dearest, oldest friends Jenn. She is like coming home to me. We can go months without speaking and then we catch up...laughing at the absurdity of our lives...or rather the lives of our more dysfunctional family members. Because if you didn't laugh-you would cry. I love her. I am thankful for her and she is a blessing to me.

Later, I caught up with my cousin Steven, a man that I have only recently gotten to know, despite clear memories of him throwing a temper tantrum at his fourth birthday. ;) What a wonderful person he is and is becoming. I am elated, yes see that he is dating a beautiful, strong fiery haired woman. YES!

Our friend Randy is coming over for dinner tonight, I am looking forward to our conversations...and the homemade bread he said he would bring to go along with our Split Pea Soup, straight out of our Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone cookbook my cousin Toni gave Jon and I years ago for a wedding gift. Of course she gave me a cookbook. I am reminded of how much I miss my almost sister. It feels that we are a million miles apart...and that makes me sad. I love her.

So maybe it is possible to thread a blog together with the little moments I am living. The little inconsequential things...that remind me...moment by moment of the ones I love and miss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice post! We're having split pea soup tonight, too...*CLINK*! That was us "cheersing" you with our soup to yours <3