Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I see beautiful people

Do yourself a favor and after reading this blog choose the next blog choice at the top of this page. I don't know if you have to be signed in but it is amazing to see and read the absolute creativity, beauty and humor of humans. I happened upon the blogs of three or four women...interesting women...that took the time to upload pictures of beautiful things and the people they love. A South African transplant in the American Midwest? A woman over 65 years old pointing out that she is a minority as only 26% of people over her age are on-line? She says she loves her life. All at our fingertips.

I feel funny chronicling my own life and throwing it out there into internet space. Especially when I see the beauty and prose that is swirling around me. Proof that we are all connected to one another...the beauty we seek and share with others.

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