Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bush planters

Jon and I used to sing this song we made up whenever we saw someone else disappointed or were disappointed ourselves...even over really trivial things.

"Disappointment...", sung like a dirge is really funny actually.

Jon came home from the wood shop tonight and was disappointed that he hadn't even gotten a phone interview...for NORTH DAKOTA. Note: North Dakota had 100 applicants. Apparently he didn't even make the entry level short list as an RLA! I mean, how many RLAs can be entry level. Is being licensed a blessing or a curse...or does it just not matter?

We are off the applying wagon again. It is too hard to be rejected. Over. And Over. And Over again. I wonder. The more years since graduation do they look at you as none entry level anymore? And then what kind of weird no mans land are you in when it has been 3, 4, 5 years since you have graduated but not been hired? I am taking a new tact...at least for Jon's sake. We will get there...it is just going to be a different path. Those doors(relating to a past blog post) are not open for us, and while frustrating it is counterproductive to dwell on it. Damn it. We are going to be the best bush planters you have ever seen! And we are going to make money at it to boot.

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