Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Break

Today the kids and I went on a bike ride...with the new bike Lorie bought me for my college graduation nearly two years ago! As life is with children, one thing after another has gotten in the way of this ride. I became pregnant with Isla fairly soon after graduation, Isla was too small, etc. etc. Now she is one. Yesterday was her birthday. Isla, however, is not a huge fan of the bike helmet. I am going to have to figure out if she needs a smaller one or if I can borrow a bike seat that hooks onto the back of my seat. We actually rode on the side of the street, as opposed to the sidewalks, because I want them to learn the correct and safe way to ride. They did really well and I think they felt pretty proud of themselves. We rode out to Mountain View Park, along Paradise Creek, the red wing blackbirds were singing their songs...and it felt like spring.

I told them they could each have 30 minutes of video games, as it IS spring break, and it is a treat to get to play other then Tuesday and Saturday. I think we will catch the bus to go to the library to exchange some movies when Isla Jane wakes up. Jon is working at the wood shop today and tomorrow and then I am sure he will be getting ready for more work to start up...we hope!

I can't believe Isla is one. She is the apple of all of our eyes...she gives all of us so much joy. I can't explain how many times we are all sitting around her, laughing at her silliness. Jon and I secretly enjoy her 10:30 pm wake up time to nurse because we get to see her one last time before we go to bed. Her blond, blond hair is starting to curl at the nape of her neck. It is hard to believe she is our last baby. What a sweet way to end this part of our lives.

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