Thursday, March 17, 2011

Odds and ends

The day after Isla's first birthday she took 3,4,5 steps! We all cheered her on, it was pretty fun to see her tip, tip, tip toeing. Then last night she said, "Dank Doo"...oh so cute! She already says mom and dad...I love seeing her personality come out.

This spring break has been pretty uneventful. Iris has had a sore throat and cold for the past four days. So we haven't really done anything fun since Monday when we went on a bike ride. Isla has a cold now and Ethan has the start of it. Super fun.

I went on a long walk yesterday with Lemon and took her to the dog park. It was fun standing around chatting it up with other dog owners. Then I walked home by Tiempo Commons...I swear...some development looks like it has just been thrown up and left there. Pretty atrocious and I kept think WE could do so much better then that.

Last night I saw that Florida is attempting to deregulate landscape architecture and had a mild heart attack. If Florida does it, maybe Idaho will think that is a good idea. I almost wanted to cry as those tests costs us thousands, are difficult and are one of the only ways we can separate ourselves from landscapers starting out. That is what stops everyone else from calling themselves a landscape architect...and looking at Tiempo Commons who could argue that not everyone is qualified to plan development.

Still watching the news out of Japan, Libya...etc., etc.. The world is a crazy place and I am under no notion that it is crazier now then ever. I think it is magnified when you have children though...sometimes I wonder what kind of world my children will have when they grow up. It makes me sad.

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